Editorial team/contact information

Editorial Board:

Tatoul Manasserian – Doctor of Science, Professor (Editor in chief), ARMENIA, tatoulm@gmail.com

Marilyn Taylor – Doctor  of Science, Professor, USA, TaylorM@umkc.edu

Alan Whitehorn – Doctor  of Science, Professor, CANADA, alanwhitehorn7@gmail.com

Lawrence Mensah Akwetey – Doctor of Science, United Kingdom, lawrenceakwetey@hotmail.com

Francis Baron Van Loon – Doctor  of Science, Professor, BELGIUM, francis.vanloon@uantwerpen.be

Armen Juguryan – Doctor  of Science, Professor, ARMENIA, jarmen1@yandex.ru

Paolo Leoci – Doctor  of //Science, Professor, ITALY, paolo.leoci@unisalento.it

Liliane Van Hoof – Doctor  of Science, Professor, BELGIUM liliane.vanhoof@uantwerpen.be

Zoran Vitorovic – Doctor of Science, Professor, SWITZERLAND, zoransv1@gmail.com

Xiaohua Yang – Doctor  of Science, Professor, USA, xyang14@usfca.edu

Armen Safaryan – Doctor  of Science, ARMENIA, arm.saf@mail.ru

John Walsh – Doctor  of Science, Professor, THAILAND, jcwalsh100@hotmail.com

Arman Martirosyan – Doctor of Science, ARMENIA, a.martirosyan@bk.ru

Stephan U. Breu – Doctor of Science, Professor, USA, info@breu.com

Mari Manaseryan – English language editor, MBA, American University of Armenia, mari_manaseryan@edu.aua.am